Monday, September 12, 2011

The First Four Caliphs Of Islam (Kindle Edition)

The First Four Caliphs Of Islam
The First Four Caliphs Of Islam (Kindle Edition)
By John Milton Lawrence

Review & Description

Welcome to an introduction of the life and times of the first four original Caliphs of Islam. For those who are not familiar with the word Caliph, it simply means, that the Caliph is the head of state, and title for the ruler of the Islamic community. It also means, “successor” or representative, following the death of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) the last and seal of all the prophets. He passed in 632 AD, and on his deathbed asked his lifelong friend and closest companion Abu Bakr, to lead the community, and like any good soldier, Abu Bakr, was happy to oblige. The Islamic word Khalifah is taken from the word Caliph and is used in reference to man as God's Khalifah on earth, or intended ruler on earth, as God has given man dominion over all the beasts of the earth. Mohammed's (PBUH) life was considered a model of excellence to be followed and emulated by all Muslims, the Qur'an says; Indeed in the Messenger of Allah, you have a good example to follow, for him who hopes in the meeting with God and the last day and remembers God much- Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God, is he who is the most righteous of you. Though many have written that Islam was only spread by the sword, and nothing could be further from the truth, though there were many times that the sword had to be taken up, but much of the spread of Islam is attributed to the excellent examples of truthfulness, righteousness and upright character of those who modeled themselves after the example of their illustrious leader, Mohammed Ibn Abdullah (PBUH). We will give you a fair glimpse of the lives of the first four Caliphs of Islam, as recorded in Islamic history, when I first read the story of their lives, after the death of our beloved prophet Mohammed, (PBUH) I laughed as they laughed and cried as they cried for their stories are our story, for what man or woman has not tasted both the bitter and sweet in his life, as well as the happiness and sorrow. The last three of the first four Caliphs were murdered, none the less, they never wavered or faltered, in practicing the principles of Islam, truth and righteousness, and even when eminent death by assassination was looking them square in the face, even then they were courageous in their convictions. Their names from the first to the fourth were Abu Bakr, Umar Ibn Al-Khattab, Uthman Ghani and Ali Murtadha.Welcome to an introduction of the life and times of the first four original Caliphs of Islam. For those who are not familiar with the word Caliph, it simply means, that the Caliph is the head of state, and title for the ruler of the Islamic community. It also means, “successor” or representative, following the death of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) the last and seal of all the prophets. He passed in 632 AD, and on his deathbed asked his lifelong friend and closest companion Abu Bakr, to lead the community, and like any good soldier, Abu Bakr, was happy to oblige. The Islamic word Khalifah is taken from the word Caliph and is used in reference to man as God's Khalifah on earth, or intended ruler on earth, as God has given man dominion over all the beasts of the earth. Mohammed's (PBUH) life was considered a model of excellence to be followed and emulated by all Muslims, the Qur'an says; Indeed in the Messenger of Allah, you have a good example to follow, for him who hopes in the meeting with God and the last day and remembers God much- Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God, is he who is the most righteous of you. Though many have written that Islam was only spread by the sword, and nothing could be further from the truth, though there were many times that the sword had to be taken up, but much of the spread of Islam is attributed to the excellent examples of truthfulness, righteousness and upright character of those who modeled themselves after the example of their illustrious leader, Mohammed Ibn Abdullah (PBUH). We will give you a fair glimpse of the lives of the first four Caliphs of Islam, as recorded in Islamic history, when I first read the story of their lives, after the death of our beloved prophet Mohammed, (PBUH) I laughed as they laughed and cried as they cried for their stories are our story, for what man or woman has not tasted both the bitter and sweet in his life, as well as the happiness and sorrow. The last three of the first four Caliphs were murdered, none the less, they never wavered or faltered, in practicing the principles of Islam, truth and righteousness, and even when eminent death by assassination was looking them square in the face, even then they were courageous in their convictions. Their names from the first to the fourth were Abu Bakr, Umar Ibn Al-Khattab, Uthman Ghani and Ali Murtadha. Read more

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