Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Lady and the Slut (Kindle Edition)

The Lady and the Slut
The Lady and the Slut (Kindle Edition)
By Cindy May

Review & Description


They had been born within a month of one another at the same hospital. They grew up in the same “picture-postcard” Cotswold village. They had been unlikely best friends from the day they started in Primary School together until a silly row erupted, and neither of them knew how to defuse it.
Mavis Jones was the illegitimate daughter of the village slut, and no one, not even her mother could have said who her father was. The blue-blooded Lady Annabelle Beauregard came from the Manor House. Her family came over at the time of the Norman Conquest in 1066.
Because of their silly tiff, they left the village school without saying goodbye. Mavis went to a comprehensive and was soon regarded as being as big a slut as her mother. Lady Annabelle went to a girl’s private school and had an elaborate ‘coming out”, party when she joined the London “Deb” circuit.
The girls had nothing in common, and hadn’t seen one another for a decade, until HE helped both of them out when they were in trouble. They both fell in love with him, and then found who their rival was.
Now, the Lady and the Slut were rivals. Would memories of their long dormant friendship soften the duel to win the guy they both adored, or would it make the contest even more vicious?
Mavis, a lovely blue eyed blonde “who could charm the birds out of the trees” is well aware of her deplorable reputation and that there is a skeleton in the closet that she cannot hide from the guy she wants as a lover. She fears that with so much baggage, she is bound to come second in the duel with her one time friend.
The auburn haired Lady Annabelle is pretty, but knows it is Mavis who will turn heads. Annabelle is also conscious that she is naïve and that sex is a mystery to her.
For the experienced Mavis, the guy she loves is the only man ever to have shown her genuine respect and affection. She is desperate to find the happiness that she knows eluded her mother with a string of dead loss lovers. For the immature Lady Annabelle, it is her precious first love, and she will be devastated if she loses.
Lady Annabelle soon finds that life gets more complicated. Her domineering mother has made her own marriage a sham for years, although the innocent Annabelle is not aware of it. What she does know is that Mummy has said she is to marry a “suitable” husband.
By “suitable” Mummy means “titled” or a merchant banker. The guy who has rescued Mavis and Annie, as they called one another at school, hardly fits Mummy’s definition of an ideal husband for “Lady A”. Annie must battle for her happiness against her more experienced rival, knowing that if Mummy hears a whisper of what is happening, that all hell will break lose.
Life then gets a lot more complicated for both girls in a torrid love story that sees steamy sex, threesomes, rape, incest and mistaken identity.
In the typical romance there is “good girl – bad girl” and the reader sides with the lovable heroine as she battles against her unscrupulous rival. The outcome is predictable for love always triumphs.
In “The Lady and the Slut”, who is the bad girl? Is it Mavis, the girl who never had a chance, or is it Lady Annabelle, born with a silver spoon in her mouth? Is there a good girl, and a bad girl, or are there two good girls or even two bad girls?
Buy “The Lady and the Slut” to find out what happened to the two little girls who became friends the day they met and then had to compete for the same guy.
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