Friday, August 27, 2010

In His Image: Reflecting Christ in Everyday Life (Kindle Edition)

In His Image: Reflecting Christ in Everyday Life
In His Image: Reflecting Christ in Everyday Life (Kindle Edition)
By Michael Wilkins

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Customer Rating: 2.8

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Review & Description


What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus? The ultimate goal of discipleship is to be like the Teacher-to be like Jesus Himself. Every Christian wants to understand what that means. But even if we understand it, is it possible?

Michael Wilkins asserts that it's not only possible, it's a life that all Christians are called to-not just a select few. So why do we so seldom experience it?

As Wilkins points out, even the first followers of Jesus had a hard time grasping what it meant to be His disciples. Like them, our difficulty often lies in not clearly understanding who Jesus is, not recognizing the resources available to us as God's children, or not believing who we are to be as Christ's followers.

But like the early disciples, our lives can radically change. If we want to follow Jesus, we can become like Him. "Jesus takes us exactly as He finds us," writes Wilkins, "and transforms us into His likeness." So come, learn what it means to walk with Jesus and reflect His image to the real world.

"Sharing himself honestly and helpfully, Micheal Wilkins marks out in straightforward terms the true path of transformation in Christ. This stern yet sunny book will help drifting and jaded Christians everywhere." -J.I. PACKER, professor of theology, Regent College, Vancouver, BC

"Michael Wilkins has stepped the science of discipleship down to the heart level of obedience. His look at discipleship aims at our walking with Jesus until our lifestyles are indistinguishable from His."-CALVIN MILLER, author of An Owner's Manual For The Unfinished Soul Read more

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